Overview of Starkiller

April 18, 2020my_locationOnline

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Date April 18, 2020 H 10:00
End April 18, 2020 H 11:00
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Link https://event.webinarjam.com/register/6/0v8glcp
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About the event

Starkiller is an application that allows red teams to share any instance of Empire and support remote, multi-operator engagements for instant collaboration and efficient event tracking​​​​​​​.

  • Intuitive Graphical Interface

    Within a few minutes, red teams can setup listeners, agents, and send payloads.

  • Multi-User Collaboration

    Manage a multi-operator engagement from a single Empire instance.

  • Post-Engagement Reporting

    Each user is tracked in a master database, which can be queried to evaluate team progression and generate post-engagement reports.

  • Common Red Team Infrastructure

    No need to duplicate effort in establishing independent red team infrastructures when a common interface can now be used with the enhanced Empire API.

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